"Earn Affiliate Cash Direct To Your Clickbank Account By Promoting
Inner Circle Cash Secrets!"

We Pay Out 60% Per Sale, Just Send Visitors To Our HIGH CONVERTING Website Through Your Personalized Affiliate
Link And GET PAID!...

Thank you for becoming an affiliate for InnerCircleCashSecrets.com.  Below you will find answers to the most common questions, ready made images, marketing material, and resources you can use in your promotions.

Our affiliate program is run through Clickbank.com. If you do not have a Clickbank account set up, please click the link below to register a new account:

Quick Links:

Your Affiliate Link | Email Copy | Forum Signature | Text Link | Marketing Forums
  Keywords To UseGraphics & Banners | Contact Us

Once you have signed up for Clickbank, use this link to promote InnerCircleCashSecrets.com:


Simply replace "YOURUSERNAME" with your clickbank nickname and you will then have your personalized affiliate link.

Simply send traffic through to your affiliate link and earn 60% commission for each sale made as a result of your promotion! That's up to $30 per sale!

Update: Newbie Marketing Toolkit just released, affiliates earn 60% commission and grab your ready made tools here: http://newbiemarketingtoolkit.com/affiliates.html

  Frequently Asked Questions:

How much money can I earn?

For each sale of the Inner Circle Cash Secrets made through your affiliate link pays you 60% per sale

Who pays me?

A 3rd party company called Clickbank (TM) processes the orders and pays the affiliates. You can join their affiliate program for free here.

When do I get paid?

Clickbank sends out checks twice a month.

How can I track my sales?

Clickbank has an online statistics facility with real time updates, so you can see how much commission you have earned at any time. The best thing to do is take a tour of the Clickbank site once you register.

Your ClickBank Affiliate Link:

Here is your standard ClickBank Affiliate Link:

You'll need to replace the xxxxx with your Clickbank ID

Email Copy

If you are interested in making money fast, then this section will get you there. Simply copy and paste the proven email copy below and send it out to such places as your own internal email list, ezine solo ads, media buys or other paid list services.

If you do not yet use an autoreponder service we recommend the following.

Aweber  (The Guru's Choice)

Get Response (Great  Service)

Email Aces (The Beginners Choice)

Email Template

Subject line: " Make Money Online With  No Money!!!"


Hi {!firstname},

When you think about starting
a online business, usually, you have
to put some sort of  upfront t
of investment right?

Maybe you think you at least
need webhosting, or a domain
name, or even an autoresponder?

What if I could show there was
you a way to get started with NO

In a hurry?... Go ahead and take a look at this web
page to see what I'm talking about:

=>  http://xxxx.innercash.hop.clickbank.net

What if it is possible to turn things
 around with abundance of open
 source software, tagging
websites, pinging services, video
distribution sites and so on?..

Well I'm telling you NOW it is!

This  system makes use
of all the lastest web 2.0 gadgets,
and marketing techniques and
 turns it into a fully fledge
 marketing system.

Grab your copy today:



Forum Signature

Text Link

Here's a regular text link you can use to place on....
  • Your Website
  • In your signature file in forums you frequently visit
  • Add to the bottom of your outgoing emails
Please remember to change the xxxxxx to your Clickbank ID.
 Powerful Formula To Making Money Online With
No Money Is finally Revealed!

Marketing Forums and Blogs

You can also use these in the TOP Forums and Blogs online!

Here is a short list of the TOP forums in Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing. You can simply add your text link inside your Forum Signature to start generating sales!

The Affiliate Rockstar
Scott Allan's Blog. Teaching Affiliate Marketing to the masses, you will find news, reviews and scams to avoid. Highly recommended. 

The Warrior Forum
There is another great forum that I think is one of the best. It is called the Warriors Forum. It is a private members forum but you can find it through the search engines.

My Marketing Forum
This is Mike Filsaime's famous forum. It will link from many of his sites in the future. ListDotCom members are very active in it.                                          

Instant Buzz Community Forum
This a great forum and free to join. Just go to the homepage and get the tool bar for free. Once you join you will be in a very active forum with very responsive frequenters.                      

Free Advertising Forum
This is a forum that will let you post your ads. It is a great concept, and worth exploring.
Marketing Study Hall
Well known marketer Russell Brunson's forum!
Michael Green's How-To Forum
This is one of the best forums for internet Marketers on the entire Internet.
ABlake Forum
This forum as some big names like John Reese and Frank Kern and many others in there all the time. Great forum to check out.

Keywords To Use

Here are 4 sets of keywords you can build your Adwords Campaign on. These are proven keywords to convert in this market!

Affiliate  Marketing

Make Money Online

Internet Marketing


Need More Longtail And Targeted Keywords ?

Automate the process and try this excellent software tool: Keyword Elite


(Remember to add your correct CB ID)












Co-registration is another way of buying targeted subscribers and leads for your newsletter/ezine from a 3rd party service.

Your leads are gathered by offering something in exchange for the user's email address.
It basically involves having your subscription offer listed alongside other subscription offers, and when someone signs up for another newsletter, they are given the option to signup for yours as well without having to re-enter their information a second time.

This is one of the easiest methods to building a targeted mailing list and takes very little effort. The leads are extremely targeted because you only pay when someone joins your list and see your offer.

The co-registration service we highly recommend is:

Contact Us

You can contact me at:


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No portion of this website can be copied without
written permission from the author.